Our Eczema Trials – Wet Wrap Therapy

Wet wrapping therapy is a miracle short-term fix for moderate to severe eczema, psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis, and even dermatomyositis.

While in no means a cure, wet wraps can offer a much needed break from the everyday stress of dry, itchy eczema and many other skin conditions. Results can be dramatic after one time, but it will usually take 1-2 days with wrapping 2-3x per day before major changes in the skin can be seen.

Wet wrapping is a commitment (both in time and energy) and can be a challenge getting little ones to cooperate. Good distraction techniques are crucial – read my tips below for wet wrapping and children.

Disclaimer: If you are currently using cortisone, pro-topic, or any other medication to treat the eczema, you must speak with your physician on how to properly use the medication with wet wrapping. Also, before beginning wet wraps you should speak with your practitioner about the process, make sure they’re on board, and determine how long you can safely carry on with wet wrapping. Our physician believed eczema wet wraps could begin to dry out the skin if used for more than one week, so we were always careful to abide by his one-week policy.


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